Ok, it's been a while but BOY DO WE GOT UPDATES.
and I'm excited.
I have been keeping busy with orders flying in this summer and trying to balance life. Remember to keep your head up and Always Rejoice <3.
Today's Newsletter:
Changes in the Shop
Vintage Finds
New Shop Listings!
Calling all creatives!
Changes in the Shop:
First of all - my studio space has expanded and moved; this means I have spent a lot of time cleaning, organizing, and decorating the studio in order to make sure it is effective and productive. Packing orders is still at the top of my daily to-do list so I have to make sure everything is accessible. Speaking of orders - USPS is having major delays right now because of the cuts and changes they are experiencing (which I'm sure is something you have all been hearing about lately). I am doing my best to send my orders ASAP to try and keep up with possible delays but sadly many of my sent orders are taking longer to be delivered than we would like. I am going to start focusing on more digital products to sell for the time being and possibly up my production of online content.
Now what we are all waiting for;
August Freebies:
I have been missing thrift shopping and digging up vintage inspiration and I realized that when I was drawing these images. I am offering these digital stickers available for download at this link!: Click here for cute stickers!

Tombow Brush Pens. Ok I know I'm late to the party but I use these all the time (even if it's just pastels). I really haven't been journaling as much lately because I am using this other *new* planner - more on that later - but I still use these marker/pens all the time when adding notes to my orders or highlighting things in my personal notebooks. Plus they look so nice on my desk!
Vintage Finds:
Since we haven't been able to go vintage/antique searching, I have pulled out some of my favorites from last year! I use some of these glasses for my paints and watercolors - and others I use for actual nice glass uses. Like a refreshing lemonade. I love surrounding my space with pretty details and right now I'm totally obsessed with jewel tones.
New Shop Listings:
ltrkey.com to shop
Calling all creatives!:
I am working on a new Zine! Volume 1 is already out and ready to view here. The next Volume is going to be inspired by Boho and Beachy themes, if you would like to submit photography or original artwork to be included in this issue, please let me know by sending an email to nancyvalvarado@gmail.com! All work is credited.
Video Products: